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Digital Technical Solutionist Guy

Winter Springs, FL

September 8, 1975

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"Status: Feeling like George Michael's software - stuck on 'loading' with no progress bar in sight! 🤷‍♂️💻 #SoftwareStruggles"

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- Michael Bluthe

Gob: "You know, George Michael, I've been thinking. With your software skills and my... well, everything else, we could rule the world!" George Michael: "I don't know, Gob. I'm not sure my software is ready for world domination." Michael: "Guys, can we focus on something more realistic, like getting a job?".

Northern Lights

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Tobias Fünke

"George Michael's software is like a fine wine. It gets better with... debugging."

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Michael Bluthe

Have you seen this?

"George Michael, I know you're excited about your software project, but don't forget to prioritize your education. It's important to have a backup plan." George Michael: "I understand, Dad. But I'm passionate about software development and I want to see where it takes me." Gob: "That's the spirit, George Michael! With your software skills, you'll be unstoppable!" Michael: "Let's just make sure we're balancing passion with practicality, George Michael."

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Tobias Fünke

Have you seen this?

"I've hit a bit of a roadblock with my software development. It seems my 'Blue Man Group Bingo' app is causing some confusion among users." Michael: "What kind of confusion, Tobias?" Tobias: "Well, apparently, people are mistaking it for a dating app for Smurfs."

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